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Many of our most dedicated members belong to Maryland Public Television’s Leadership Society. These special supporters make transformational investments in public media and embody MPT’s values of lifelong learning, caring for others, self-renewal, mutual respect, and civic engagement. Become a champion of public media with your gift of $1,200 or more today.

Did you know? — A gift of stock or a gift from your IRA may maximize the impact of your donation while also providing considerable tax savings to you. For recommendations on getting the most value from your gift, please contact Mike Pursley at 410-581-4354 or email

(minimum $5.00)
(minimum $100.00)
Your Information
Payment Details

Checking Account or Credit Card Authorization

I authorize Maryland Public Television to deduct my Sustaining donation from the bank account or credit card submitted on this form. The first deduction will occur on or shortly after today's date and continues monthly until I notify Maryland Public Television that I wish to change or end this agreement. Maryland Public Television can be reached by phone at (410) 581-4292.

If paying by check, please make check payable to MPT Foundation and mail to the following address:

MPT Foundation
Attn: Lauri-Ann Dacosta
11767 Owings Mills Blvd
Owings Mills, MD 21117


A copy of the current financial statement of Maryland Public Television is available by writing 11767 Owings Mills Blvd, Owings Mills, MD 21117 or by calling 410-356-5600 or 1-800-223-3678 (toll-free). Documents and information submitted under the Maryland Solicitations Act are also available, for the cost of postage and copies, from the Office of the Secretary of State, State House, Annapolis, MD 21401, (410-974-5534).

Your gift is very much appreciated and may be tax deductible pursuant to IRC §170(c). A copy of our latest financial report may be obtained at